Petjades Barrica

El rosado Petjades es uno de nuestros vinos que mas gusta. Quizas una de las claves de su exito sea el equilibrio entre la sensacion de dulzor de la fruta roja y su acidez y frescura. Es como una golosina en forma de vino.  

Rompiendo con el famoso dicho de “si algo funciona, no lo toques”, en Torello quisimos ir un paso mas alla. La pasada vendimia cogido unos cuantos litros de este merlot ecologico de nuestra finca y los fermentamos en barrica. El resultado, 800 botellas magnum de un vino sorprendente por su intensidad y frescura. El Petjades Barrica es un vino rosado monovarietal seco, aromatico y complejo, potente fruta roja combinada con ligeras notas ahumadas procedentes de la barrica. No deja indiferente.

El rosat Petjades es un dels nostres vins que mes agrada. Potser una de les claus del seu exit es l’equilibri entre la sensacio de dolcor de la fruita vermella i la seva acidesa i frescor. És com una llaminadura en forma de vi.

Trencant amb la famosa dita de “si una cosa funciona, no la toquis”, a Torello vam voler anar un pas mes enlla. La passada verema vam agafar uns quants litres d’aquest merlot ecologic de la nostra finca i els hem fermentat en barrica. El resultat, 800 ampolles magnum d’un vi sorprenent per la seva intensitat i frescor. El Petjades Barrica es un vi rosat monovarietal sec, aromatic i complex. Potent fruita vermella combinada amb lleugeres notes fumades procedents de la barrica. No deixa indiferent.

The rose Petjades is one of our wines that likes the most. Perhaps one of the clues of its success is the balance between the sweet sensation of red fruit and its acidity and freshness. It is like a candy in wine’s form.

Breaking with the famous saying «if something works, don’t touch it», in Torello we wanted to go one step further. Last harvest, we took a few liters of this organic merlot from our estate and we fermented them in barrels. The result, 800 magnum bottles of a wine surprising for its intensity and freshness. Petjades Barrica is a dry, aromatic and complex monovarietal rose wine. Powerfull red fruit combined with light smoky notes from the barrel. It does not leave you indifferent.

Torelló and the «Three Tenors»

In a few days will be, no more no less, 22 years since this photo was taken. The occasion was the concert that the Three Tenors made in Barcelona, at Camp Nou stadium, on July 17th, 1997. Torello was a co-sponsor of this important cultural event and both, the VIP assistants to the concert and the more than a thousand people who came to the gala dinner, were able to enjoy our sparkling wines during the whole event.

Today we remember with pride and emotion, having been part of such an event. With this anniversary we remember with fondness those who have undoubtedly been the most talented and charismatic opera singers of all time.

The luck of being part of a family with so many years of history like ours, is that we are accumulating memories that will be part of Torello forever.


As many of you already know, just over a year ago, five wineries in Penedes founded the brand of sparkling quality wines Corpinnat. Now we are nine houses and part of our day to day is  dedicated to explain what is Corpinnat and what values ​​and commitments are behind it.

When it seemed that the complicated part was going to be to explain this, we were very pleasantly surprised to see how most people assimilated and understood it quickly and also in a very «natural» way. It could be said that they were already waiting for it. The best? see the good reception we have had, the great support and the impulse that you keep giving us. Even so, we know that there is still a long way to do. But now, what about the name, where does Corpinnat come from?

A word that at first sight seems strange, when dividing it, quickly takes on all its meaning. COR (Heart) – PINNAT (etymological root of the Penedes place-name) – NAT (born); that is to say: HEART – PENEDÈS – BORN, or in other words «Born in the heart of Penedes. One of our main values, the origin, the linking of sparkling wines to a terroir, to some varieties, to some commitments, to a history and to a wine culture. Seen that way, it’s easier to understand, right?

Torelló indicates the date of disgorgement in its Corpinnat bottles

Disgorgement is the last action that takes place in the process of making a quality sparkling wine produced by the traditional method. It consists of extracting the yeasts, or lees, that remain inside the bottle after having made the second fermentation.

After the fermentation and aging of the sparkling wines, the yeasts that remain inside the bottle must be extracted, in order to make the wines clean and transparent before launching them to the market. Through the process of removal, the yeasts are transported by gravity to the neck of the bottle and with the disgorgement it will be uncovered to expel those remaining yeasts. Then proceed to add the expedition liquor (if needed) and place the traditional cork.

From few months ago, Torello incorporates the date of disgorgement on the back labels, indicating month and year. This is intended to give more information to the consumer. After the disgorgement and subsequent corking, it is necessary that the sparkling wine recover -for a period of not less than three months- from the abrupt act of uncovering the bottles after years growing up in the tranquility of the cellar. During this time, the carbon dioxide and the expedition liquor will be integrated, in case it was added. Torello has been dedicated for decades to the elaboration of long aging sparkling wines and we understand that the later evolution in the bottle after the disgorgement is totally recommendable. Our sparkling wines are prepared for this, since they were made with base wines with great aging capacity and, after disgorgement, they will gain in complexity.

Pales, powerfuls or with bubbles, a rosé for every moment

A little more than a decade ago, in Torello we began to elaborate what would be our first rose wine. Petjades, a 100% merlot with a cherry pink colour that soon got a place in the market, thanks to its aromas of red fruits, complexity and balance. A year later, in 2007, Torello Rose Reserva arrived, for lovers of bubbles. A sparkling wine with two years of aging, fresh, sweet, with memories of red and purple fruits and balsamic hints.

After several years enjoying our rose couple, in 2014 De la Rosa Torello brothers decided to dare with a third, the elegant Sparkling Pal·lid Reserva, this time a seductive pale rose -trend which would end catching up the winelovers of all around the world-. The cycle was completed two years later, adding a fourth rose to our creations in 2016. The Rosa d’Abril was born, a fresh and aromatic wine, with floral notes typical of the month that bears its name.

With the good weather, it is also time to enjoy the fresh, light and fruity wines. In Torello we see it clear, it’s roses time. For this we approach our four proposals, able to satisfy the most demanding and summer tastes that exist.